Post-Layout Simulation Driven Analog Circuit Sizing


Post-layout simulation provides accurate guidance for analog circuit design, but post-layout performance is hard to be directly optimized at early design stages. Prior work on analog circuit sizing often utilizes pre-layout simulation results as the optimization objective. In this work, we propose a post-layoutsimulation-driven (post-simulation-driven for short) analog circuit sizing framework that directly optimizes the post-layout simulation performance. The framework integrates automated layout generation into the optimization loop of transistor sizing and leverages a coupled Bayesian optimization algorithm to search for the best post-simulation performance. Experimental results demonstrate that our framework can achieve over 20% better post-layout performance in competitive time than manual design and the method that only considers pre-layout optimization.

In SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences 2024
Xiaohan Gao 高笑涵
Xiaohan Gao 高笑涵
Ph.D. Student

My research interests mainly include EDA algorithms and AMS circuit design automation.